You're Invited to A Giving Circle experience
full of passion, purpose, and connection
The Getaway is a new opportunity for women to connect with one another in a meaningful way while also raising our collective voices to make a difference in Young Life and God’s Kingdom. Everyone who attends will contribute $2,500 to create a large fund that will be given away together. At The Getaway, we’ll hear about three unique ministry investment ideas that will help Young Life reach more young people. After the proposals are presented, there will be a chance to ask questions, hear from each other, and then vote on where to direct our collective gift.

"I knew it was going to be amazing, but I really had no idea how at home I would feel."
— Rosy Stock, San Clemente, California

Watch the Getaway experience!
We are a diverse group of women from around the U.S. who love Jesus.
We are inviting women to engage in increasingly meaningful ways with Young Life. The Getaway is one of many experiences designed to create new, innovative and fun ways to inspire and equip women for greater involvement in the Kingdom and in Young Life.
We love how God’s love is shared as Young Life reaches out with joy and authenticity, one life-changing relationship at a time to all kinds of kids. This same joy has been our experience as we’ve come together, seeking how best to share our lives and join God’s heart to bring more blessing and opportunity to the mission. We’d love to have you be a part of this with us!
We can’t wait to celebrate with you soon!
Jenni Brandon, Ashley Carbonatto, Lauren Crites, Emily De La Llave,
Caroline George, Bree Haskell, Leah Heffernan, Jill Ippolito, Jamie Lisea,
Kristen Miranda, Devin McCord, Jesse Niebuegge, Lindsey O’Shea, and
Jordan Pilot