Giving Circles

Women pooling their gifts together to make a difference in the lives of kids in an adventurous and engaging way!

Local/Regional Giving Circles:
Women coming together in a city or region usually on a weeknight in a home or local venue, hosted by a team of women donors who invite their network of friends to each bring an affordable amount for most, typically $100 to $200 each. ​ Often called "a party with a purpose."

The Getaway:
Women of various capacities coming together from a larger Young Life geography (within a division or a group of regions) each bringing a higher amount to pool together, and direct toward ministries (eg. $2,500 each) over a two night retreat-like experience of connection and purpose.

The Global Giving Circle:
An event that happens every 18 months to 2 years, drawing women from around the country each bringing $10,000 to pool together and direct back toward Young Life ministries. ​ Our last event gathered over 100 women, impacting kids’ lives with over $1M. ​


The concept of a Giving Circle is brilliant, empowering, educational and fun. We gather women with a common purpose of giving a collective gift to Young Life. Each woman contributes the same amount and the individual gifts are pooled to create a larger gift with greater impact than women might be able to make on their own. ​

Once the opportunities have been presented, there’s some time to consider or ask questions and then — we all vote and make a sizeable difference to further the mission of Young Life. It’s thrilling to give towards something women can connect with and can impact.

We are hosting more Giving Circles around the country in 2025 locally.
Our next national Giving Circle our third Getaway October 17-19, 2025. ​ The next Global Giving Circle is coming in 2026. ​

Let us know which Giving Circle experience you are most excited about!

“We gather; we have fun; we connect ​with each other and with Young Life, and we pool our resources together to make a greater impact than we could on our own. We love it!” ​ — Adriane, Seattle, Washington​